Hey is yet another month, women's month in South Africa and I must say I'm very excited about all the things that August has in store for me. One thing I'm not chuffed about though is this cold..I mean isn't August supposed to be preparing us for Spring? Just today most people in and around the country had snow pictures to share with everybody on twitter. Most people hate winter, me included but I must admit, I found the whole "snow thing" intriguing...if it doesn't indicate Global-warming then I don't know what will. On a lighter note though, moving right along to the title of this particular post... FRIENDSHIP!!! When I hear that word I can't help but think of Shopping, Cupcakes, Chick-Flicks,Pink,Hugs,Kisses. So I woke up feeling warm and fuzzy and gooowy at the thought of my friends. I started thinking about this one friend of mine I've known for 21 years...yes can you believe it? 21 years and we are still the best of friends. We met when we could hardly speak properly, we entered beauty peagents together..our mommies wouldn't dare try to separate us. All this history gone by, such a strong past yet we still get along like a house on fire. Ofcourse we can't see each other everyday because at times we are in different cities, but what we share is more precious than anything. My normal day begins with a bath at 5:45am and almost always by the time i'm through bathing, i'm always welcomed by a "good morning' message from any of my wonderful friends, today was no exception. As I journeyed to work, my phone was a buzz...getting messages from three of my friends and chatting the morning cold away. At one point I thought.."who talks so much in the morning? I have very chatty friends" Lol and I began to laugh immediately at that thought. But then it hit me, these people are more than my friends..I mean not a day goes by without us talking to each other, they are the best thing since sliced bread, the cold breeze on a hot summer's day, the first cup of coffee for the day, that hot shower/bath that is so invigorating that you don't want to step out off. I realised that life would be bleak without these people, I realised how blessed I am to have such amazing friends. Needless to say when I got to the office I had to google beautiful pics to share my thoughts on friendship with you guys... I hope you enjoy reading them like I did. Have a Fabulous evening and a great week!!! PS: I have theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee MOST amazing news ever!!! I really can't wait to share them with you guys, August will truly be a memorable one for me ;)

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