Ever since I was growing up, I always loved fashion. I love shopping for amazing clothing pieces and wearing them like no one else does. Fashion is a lifestyle, the ability to show forth your personality and who you are. Our dress-sense reflects on us, it sends a message to the world and let's face the truth, when we look good we feel great. I went to the Thula Sindi show @ Africa fashion Week and I must say, by the time I went home I felt very inspired. Thula's Summer range was very fresh and I mostly loved the leopard print collection. I love how African fashion has evolved and can compete with International fashion standards and still be able to hold its own. Fashion is a multi-billionaire industry and whether we like it or not we are all influenced by it. We may not want to wear the latest fashion trends but one way or the other we end up wearing clothes that were chosen by the people in the fashion industry. I adore vintage clothing and have been looking around joburg for vintage shops, I heard that Melville has a few vintage shops and I have promised myself to take a day off and head to Melville to find these hotspots.

We met five years ago and since I met you, you have been a friend, sister and confidant. Knowing you has been such an honour and it's amazing to have such a wonderful friend like you. What I love most about our relationship is the purity and authenticity that it has. We have never had to pretend to be who we are not, you cherish me for being myself and for the better person that you know I can be... and I adore listening to all that you always have to say because you have taught me so much. Thinking and looking back to when we were just 19 years old, when our closets consisted of nothing but tens of denim, back then we wouldn't be caught dead wearing dresses and today we just can't resist gorgeous dresses. We have really come a long way. I remember all those gruelling days on campus, studying hard because nothing was good enough for us but distinctions, you convinced me to study a module of industrial psychology and I convinced you to study economics, and now today you are a qualified Industrial Psychologist and I am a Financial Econometrist in the making. I thank God for you, I love you and i'm greatful that you will always be by my side, as we watch ourselves tranform into the successful young women that we are fast becoming.